We would like to extend a special thank you to our sponsors!
Sponsor Us
The Taste of The Caribbean Arts & Culture, CT, Inc. welcomes your interest in becoming a sponsor.
As you may know event marketing has been proven to be a great way to reach customers. “Experiential Marketing” can drive consumers to purchases and consideration across a diverse population. In fact; 70% of consumers surveyed, say that they would be more likely to purchase a product or brand after experiencing it at an event. Our annual festival provides an excellent opportunity to target your message to over 10k consumers. Also; if your company is seeking to increase name recognition or introduce a new product, The Taste of The Caribbean & Jerk Festival is an excellent venue for you to increase your brand awareness, and growing brand loyalty. Our unique festival provides you with Sponsor Booths where you can sell or offer product samples which could result in future sales “Gateway Sales” as they are entertained behind the beautiful backdrop of the Connecticut River. Our packages also offers the ability to gain naming rights, your logo on printed material and advertisement in our annual magazine!
Currently, we offer the following sponsorship levels:

In-Kind Services
- Printing –Promotional brochure
- Banners
- Lawn Signs
- Gift Baskets – Onsite prizes and games
- Communication Equipment – walkie-talkie radios, etc.
- Air Transportation – complimentary tickets for entertainers
We are looking forward to your support of our Annual Taste of the Caribbean & Jerk Festival. As we continue to take it to the next level by bringing in headliner acts to bolster attendance and also expand to the river and grassy areas, we can make excellent growth by your contributions. Please do not hesitate to call us with any questions.
Contact Leslie Perry, Executive Director - ✉ (director@tastect.org)
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(860) 595-2984
Mail Us:
Taste Of The Caribbean & Jerk Festival
P.O. Box 1604
Hartford, CT 06144-1604
Media Notice
You may be photographed at any Taste of the Caribbean & Jerk Festival's event for Taste of the Caribbean and Jerk Festival's promotional purposes. These event photos may be used at the TOC's discretion for promotional purposes without your specific written consent and/or without compensation.